By no means are these chimichangas I make authentic Mexican. They are just something I sort of copied from a Mexican restaurant in my town... And they have plenty of variations, so feel free to play around with the recipe as you wish.
For the ones I made yesterday, I used these ingredients:
-Meat from 3 chicken breasts. (You could use rotisserie. I cook mine in a bit of olive oil on low, with garlic, salt, pepper and chili powder, covered, until it just starts falling apart.)
-Larger tortillas
-Cheddar cheese. (You could use Queso. I have. It's good.)
Things you'll need:
-A pan that is kind of deep. (I use a fry pan that is about 2 inches deep, but a deep fryer would work too.)
-Tongs. (I don't advise using your hands for this project. Oil hurts)
-Oil. (I use vegetable. You could probably use what you have, but olive oil would be weird.)
DO NOT forget the toothpicks. I did on the first two I made and it was disastrous. Dang Mommy-Brain!)
Step 1- Heat oil on medium heat. This will take a bit... You want to make sure it's up to over 300 degrees. I've found that, if I rush it, the chimis are not as crunchy. I like crunchy.
I also recycle my oil. I strain it after each use and add more if needed. |
Step 2- Get your supplies together and form an assembly line of sorts. It's easier that way to get a few done at a time.
Here are my supplies. |
Step 3- Put your ingredients on the tortilla as close to the middle as you can. Leave enough room on the sides for when you roll that puppy up. It looks like a lot, but the cheese melts and shrinks.
Step 4- Roll them up. The key here is to do the sides and then the top and bottom. Like Chipotle. You ever watched them roll their burritos? That's how you should do it! DO NOT FORGET THE TOOOOOOOTHPICK! It's bad if you do. I swear it.
Toothpick inserted. |
The ends should look like this. |
These beasts are ready to go. |
Step 5- Ok, we are rolled. We are toothpicked. We are ready to fry... If the temperature is up to 300 or so. Is it? Yes? Good. Now, very carefully, with a tongs if need be, put them in toothpick side down. And let them fry.
Step 6- Flip them when they are nice and brown and cook the other side. I flipped these guys a little early, so even darker is better. It's all about the crunch.
Step 7- Let them drain a little on a small stack of paper towels on a plate. Try to get the extra oil out of the ends too. That s*** burns your face if you aren't careful.
Step 8- Eat them. That's pretty self explanatory.
Here are a couple other ingredients you could use too, either on the side or inside:
-Onions -Guacamola
-Peppers -Sour cream
-Taco meat -Queso cheese (Also good melted on top)
-Steak -Venison (Need to try this!)
-Turkey -Refried Beans
-Salsa -Sriracha
The list could really go on forever. Just use stuff you like.
Have any questions? Ask away.
Also, Lauren is 7 months old today! That is her chunky monkey self today next to her first outfit! She's gotten so big!